The Mountain ChickadeePoecile gambeli is a small songbird in the tit family Paridae. It is in the genus Poecile Adults of both sexes have a black cap joining a black postocular stripe behind distinctive white eyebrows. They are common inhabitants of the mountainous regions of the western United States. A few Mountain Chickadees may migrate locally up the mountains in the summer and down into the mountain foothills in the winter. They breed monogamously, producing 1 to 2 broods per year. Incubation by the female is 14 days. They stay in the nest for 21 days while being fed by both parents. Their call is a throaty chick-adee-dee-dee, while their song is a 3- or 4-note descending whistle fee-bee-bay or fee-bee-fee-bee. They travel in pairs or small groups.