These two sections cover our birding events in Southern California in 2018 to 2019. They include:

• These birding sites -
Bolsa Chica, Huntington Beach,
San Joaquin Preserve, Irvine, CA, and
Our backyards in Monrovia and Costa Mesa, CA,

• Bird Festivals including
Central Valley Birding Symposium and
San Diego Birding Festival, including a pelagic trip.

SLIDESHOW presents a review of each bird photographed. When you click on it you have wait a few moments for it to load.

We acknowledge Wikipedia for detailed information of the different birds.

Snowy Egret-152Rinoceros Auklet-152Ridgeway (Clapper) Rail-152Reddish Egret-152Red-crowned Parrot-152Northern Shoveler-male 152Red-breasted Merganser-152Long-billed Curlew-152